5 things buyers DON’T want to discover about your home

over 2 years ago
5 things buyers DON’T want to discover about your home

Whether the property market is running hot or cooling down with the seasonal shift, buyers will always have a vision of what they want their next home to be – and your property for sale might be full of off-putting aspects. 

A new study by Tapi has identified the top five home-related turn-offs, together with five aspects that make people feel positive about a property. 

  1.     A property that needs a lot of work doing to it

While some buyers have their heart set on a ‘doer-upper’ that can be ripped apart, stripped back and rebuilt to their own liking, almost half (45%) of those questioned said a home that needed too much work was a non-starter. What many purchasers are looking for is a home they can move into and enjoy from day one, without booking a plumber, electrician or builder.

  1.     A property in need of complete redecoration

Buyers are not fond of homes where the standard of decoration is of an acquired taste or of a tatty standard. In fact, 22% of those taking part in the study said the need to completely redecorate would put them off a property. If your rooms are painted in vibrant shades or the walls covered in crayon scribbles, a trip to a DIY store may be required. 

  1.     An old kitchen

While some kitchen cabinet, tile and worktop combinations can stand the test of time, 28% of buyers would discount a property if it had an old kitchen that needed replacing. As well as a dislike of dated doors, damaged surfaces and greasy tiles, 12% of people taking part in the same survey said they were looking for modern appliances.

  1.     Too much noise

Sometimes it’s not what’s in your property that will put off potential buyers but what’s outside. Lots of external noise was a negative for 43% of those taking part in the study. While there’s not much you can do about living under a flight path, next to a railway line or beneath a heavy-footed family fond of shuffling furniture, you can investigate a number of ambient improvements, such as triple glazing, soundproofing, more absorbent floorings and using trees as a noise buffer.

  1.     Unsightly surroundings in eye view of the property

An attractive view is very important to some buyers, with 36% saying an eyesore visible from the property would prompt them to discount it. If the offending sight is within the seller’s boundary – such as an overgrown garden or a skip on the driveway – they have the power to change the view quite easily. If it’s a sight outside of their control, it may be possible to obscure the view with screening, plants, fencing or partial frosting to windows.

5 things buyers DO want to discover

The same Tapi survey identified property aspects that buyers did want to see when viewing a property.

  1.     private outdoor space (52%)
  2.     a new kitchen (51%)
  3.     a new bathroom (42%)
  4.     freshly painted walls (20%) 
  5.     neutral colours (19%)

With this knowledge, sellers can upgrade their property before it goes on the market, with a few tweaks giving it wider appeal. When it comes to more ambitious improvements, consult with us as to whether the cost of a new kitchen or bathroom will be recouped when selling. We can also discuss pricing your property to take external factors – such as noise and visual distractions – into account.

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